Introduction to Meditation
Come and discover the basics of starting a meditation practise for well being and relaxation.
We will cover different aspects to help you find what works for you and your current lifestyle including:-
*Why it is important to relax?
*Benefits of meditation
*Preparing room for meditation
*Preparing yourself for meditation
*Breathing techniques
*Your Life Force Energy
*Grounding, Protection and Cleansing
*Different Visualisations
*Music for relaxation and meditation
and more.....
2hr workshop £30 - 10-12pm
Weekly Oracle Card Reading and Mediation Recordings
We currently offer Thursday evening weekly meditation 8-9pm payable in a monthly set of 4 or 5 sessions. These sessions are sent via a recording, so you do not have to be there at that time. Recordings are £6.50 for 45-60min sessions.
During 2023 we will be back to offering group meditation sessions some mornings and some evenings in the week if you would like to exerience a session.
These are open to you whether you have attended this Introduction to Meditation or not but an introduction is beneficial. We also offer one to one guided meditation sessions which you can book which can include Reiki to complement.